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Foley Grass Cutting Service


Foley grass cutting service includes the following:

Our lawns are mowed weekly or bi-weekly during the growing season. Yards are checked for obstacles before mowing. All areas not accessible to mowers are trimmed. All sidewalks, driveways, and curbs are edged. Walkways are blown to remove loose grass. All our services are performed with professional equipment.

Baldwin’s Best Lawn Service promises to treat your yard as if it were our own. We aim to be the best grass cutting service in Foley, Alabama.

We welcome all special requests on how we can serve you best! Call us for a free quote.

Grass Cutting and Watering Tips

It is typically best to cut your yard at the tallest recommended height allowing no more than 1/3 of the grass blade to be cut. Cutting your grass at shorter than recommended heights can cause your lawn to be stressed and appear ugly. Centipede grass should be cut at a height between 1-1/2 to 2 inches, Bermuda grass at 1-1/2 to 2 inches, ST. Augustine grass at 3 to 4 inches, and cut Zoysia grass at 2 inches.

Picking the right time to water your yard can make all the difference in it looking healthy. The best time to water your lawn is early in the morning before it gets hot, and in Foley, Alabama that means early. Most of the water will make it to the roots and allow the grass blades to dry quickly, preventing disease problems. It is generally recommended that your lawn receive an inch of water each week. This will allow the ground to dry and promote deep root growth.

Satisfaction Guarantee

Our customers come first. Call us anytime to discuss your service, how we can meet your needs.

We return missed calls and emails within 24 business hours.



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